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Chickenwagon 750


Chickenwagon 750

For 750 organic / 1040 free range laying hens
Chickenwagon 750
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About the Chickenwagon 750

The Mobile Chickenwagon accommodates 768 organic or 1040 free-range laying hens.


The cart is movable by means of an agricultural vehicle. The wide tires under the cart provide adequate pressure distribution on the land. These tires make the Chickenwagon 750 easy to maneuver on different types of terrain.

The Chickenwagon 750 has three different floors for the laying hens. The floor has a closed floor where the laying hens can scratch during the day and find access to the outside through the automatic exit doors. These exit doors are automatically controlled based on sunset.

The cart is equipped with perches, a feeding system, drinking nipples and laying nests. Because the room is equipped with an aviary system, the manure automatically lands on the hydraulic manure belts. For the right climate, two automatically controlled loading trays are present, which work together with the two ventilators. The trailer has six windows that provide sufficient daylight and can easily be opened. The water supply can be refilled from the outside and offers sufficient storage capacity for a week. The laying hens can take this water by means of two nipple lines with adjustable water pressure.

The laying nests are mounted on the inside. By means of the excretion netting, the laying nests are automatically closed in the evening and opened again in the morning. When you enter the trolley, you first enter the hygiene sluice. Here you can put on boots and an overall before entering the hen house. This hygiene sluice is also where the egg belt ends. When a laying hen lays her egg, the egg rolls to the back of the egg belt. This egg belt is driven by a motor, so the eggs easily roll towards you and can be packed in trays or boxes immediately.

The manure belt can be removed by means of a shovel or tractor. Of the manure produced by the chickens, 80% ends up directly on the manure belt, which has to be removed weekly.

There is an automatic feeding system for the laying hens. This feeding system is on two levels in the aviary. And it is possible to run it up to six times a day.

There are solar panels on the roof. These solar panels provide power for the electrical equipment present. This is supported with a battery that ensures that there is power 24/7. For the winter months there is a 230v connection for the dark days.

With a PLC in the control cabinet, you have complete control over the setting of the times. Think for example of the LED lighting, outlet, and extrusion system in the laying nests. In the Chickenwagon 750 the water level can be easily read via a screen on the control box. This avoids light intrusion and minimizes algae growth.

The Chickenwagon 750 is insulated by green sandwich panels. This provides the cart with a beautiful appearance without sacrificing durability and wear and tear.

Narrow during transport.

When the Chickenwagon is delivered, it is only 3 meters wide. On location, it is unfolded and assembled. This saves on transportation costs.

Daily activities:

  • Make control rounds;
  • Take out the eggs;
  • On average, 15 minutes of work per day.

Weekly work:

  • Fertiliser belt hydraulic uncoiling;
  • Refill water;
  • Refill feed;
  • Move after a fresh patch of grass;
  • On average 1.5 hours of work per week.

Chickenwagon 750
The advantages of the Chickenwagon 750
  • Self-sufficient through solar panels
  • Water, feed and manure storage for a week
  • No destruction of fields and nature
  • Fully mobile
  • Excellent insulation for all seasons
  • Hydraulic slurry conveyor
  • Farmer and Chicken Friendly
The dimensions of the Chickenwagon 750
Length= 14.75m, Height = 3.72m, Width unfolded = 7.04m, Width folded = 3.0m.
Living area
Lifting weight
Full weight
Standard equipment
Hydraulic slurry conveyor
Hydraulic undercarriage
Water supply
Control box
Excretion system in the laying nests
Automatic exit door
Level gauge
Solar panel
Possible options
Fault message
Water filling unit
Spray cooling
Implement for behind the tractor
Feeding hopper with hydraulic auger
Automatic feeding system
Fan with temperature sensor
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Stijn van Bovenkamp Chickenwagon
Convinced about the Chickenwagon 750?
Our colleague Stijn will be happy to help you further with no obligation to assess your situation and the possibilities with the Chickenwagon 750.